Molesting the Metaphysical

A Critical Look at What Is. Speculations of What Might Be. Reminisces of What Once Was.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

snuggie commercial, take two

File under "I can't believe they beat me to it."

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Snuggie: Provider of Warmth, or Subversive Agent of Neo-Druid Agenda?

In recent days, many of my friends and loved ones have spoken fondly of the Snuggie, a blanket with sleeves. In some ways, it reminds me of a cape, only it is fleece. As with many products sold on television, it offers a solution to a problem most of us never knew we had: "Blankets are OK but they can slip and slide, plus your hands are trapped inside." Like many, I imagine, my hands have longed to be free of the stifling confines of my blankets.

Nonetheless, despite the promise of phalangel freedom, I approach the Snuggie phenomenon with a touch of caution. For centuries the now-periphery Druid religion has sought to regain adherents through the promise of flowing robes. A few of those lured in by these promotional efforts are depicted below:

But, as these neo-Druids have likely discovered, the promised robes, while fashionable in a sort of earthy-goth way, lack the warmth necessary for a long night of Earth worship. They are not offered in a range of colors, nor do they look particularly comfortable for lounging on a couch.

Hence cometh the Snuggie, shown here:

As can be seen the Snuggie promises both warmth, comfort, and a modicum of priestly grandeur. Plus it looks great with, or on, leather.

From behind, the same individual, seen walking through a field in his Snuggie, looks ready for a service at Stonehenge:

Given market conditions, I would not want to speculate on what, if any, effect the Snuggie will have on the growth of Druidism.